We specialize in helping SENIOR DOGS regain their independence & ability to explore Austin with their humans.

Canine Manual Therapy & Rehabilitation Services Austin TX

In the world of human healthcare, the concept of manual therapy is nothing new or unusual. Methods such as massage and chiropractic care are commonly used to help humans recover after injuries, deal with ongoing soreness, and more. If you deal with any kind of health issue that involves a significant period of physical recovery, it’s nearly certain that manual therapy will be prescribed as part of your path back to wellness.

This same concept can be applied to dogs. Using manual therapy techniques is a great way to help canines achieve better health outcomes as well, and this is a service we are proud to offer here at Austin Canine Rehab & Wellness. Feel free to explore the page below to learn more about this service, or reach out to us now to schedule an appointment for your pet.

What is Soft Tissue Treatment for Dogs?

As the name would suggest, soft tissue treatment for dogs involves manually manipulating various areas of the dog to help relieve pain and pressure, as well as improving mobility and overall function. This type of work should only be completed by a trained, experienced provider who understands how to perform manual therapy in a way that will be helpful, rather than harmful, for the animal.

It's important to understand that manual therapy does not simply mean massage. Yes, it’s true that canine massage can play a role in a manual therapy treatment program, but this is far from the only technique that is applied. More focus tends to be on things like joint mobilizations, compressions, and stretching than on massage specifically. Working with a provider like Austin Canine Rehab & Wellness will make it possible to create a detailed care plan that includes a variety of treatments to work toward the desired goals.

The Various Benefits of Manual Therapy

The overall impact of manual therapy can lead to a dramatic boost in your dog’s health over time. That boost can come in many different forms, including the following –

  • Faster recovery after surgery.

    If your pet has had to undergo surgery for a certain injury or ailment, the recovery process can be a long one. Often, recovery drags out longer than it needs to because the dog is simply left to lay down and rest most of the time. While plenty of rest is certainly called for after surgery, manual therapy may also be appropriate to speed up the recovery process.

  •  Coming back from an injury.

    Along those same lines, if your dog has been injured and needs help to get back to full strength, manual therapy can again be a good option. The types of therapy used will depend on the injuries that were suffered and their severity, so trust our team to sort out the details and create a custom plan that leads to outstanding results.

  • Better aging.

    Both human and canine bodies gradually decline with age, but proper therapy can help to slow down that decline and maintain performance well into a dog’s later years. Not only can appropriate therapy help your dog remain more active as the years pass, but those therapy sessions can also help to avoid or reduce pain along the way.

Manual Therapy Techniques Can Address Many Areas

As dogs go through life, they can pick up injuries and other issues throughout their body. This is particularly true for active dogs who love to get outside to run, jump, and play with other dogs. All of that physical activity is great for the dog overall, of course, but it can take a physical toll.

Manual therapy is such an effective option because of the many areas and issues it can address. For example, dogs with back or hip problems may be able to regain some lost mobility through soft tissue therapy, in addition to relieving some of their discomfort. If you have noticed your dog limping recently, or being hesitant to run or jump, those could be signs that manual therapy would be a helpful treatment option to pursue. Feel free to reach out to us directly to learn more about this type of treatment and what relief it could bring to your dog.

Manual Therapy is Not a DIY Project

We love when pet owners take an active role in their dog’s health. After all, you are the person that is with the dog day after day, and no one knows the animal better than you. With that said, it’s not a good idea to attempt to perform your own manual therapy treatments without proper training and experience in this field.

When performed by a qualified Canine Rehabilitation Therapist, manual therapy can look relatively simple and straightforward. Don’t let that lead you to believe that it is something you can do on your own for your dog. Extensive education, training, and practice allows us to provide this service to your pet in a safe and effective manner. By trusting the professionals to do the work, you can remain focused on offering your furry friend the love, comfort, and support that he or she deserves.

How Can We Serve You?

With so much to gain through the use of canine manual therapy, it’s worth contacting us today to learn more about soft tissue techniques and what they might be able to do for your dog. Austin Canine Rehab & Wellness has built an excellent reputation with clients throughout the area and we’d love the chance to use manual therapy to help your dog live an optimal life.