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Canine Underwater Treadmills: Why We Prefer Land-Based Rehab

In every field, there are trends that come and go over time. Not all of these trends are bad, to be sure, but they don’t necessarily stick around as long as the tried-and-true methods that have been proven to work time and time again. 

For canine rehab, underwater treadmills have become a rather popular treatment approach in recent years. And, while we understand some of the potential benefits and why these devices have gotten so popular, we choose not to use them at Austin Canine Rehab.

Why Austin Canine Rehab Doesn’t Use Underwater Treadmills for Dogs

We have chosen to favor land-based exercises over using an underwater treadmill because of the proven long-term benefits of this approach. We’ll talk more below about what your pet stands to gain by going through a customized rehabilitation program consisting of various land-based activities, but we have seen excellent results with this approach and believe firmly in what it can and will do for your dog. 

One potential issue with the use of an underwater treadmill is the lack of progressive loading during exercise. Because the water effectively takes away some of the body weight of the dog while walking, only modest muscle growth can be expected.

We also worry about the potential to promote an abnormal gait when using an underwater treadmill. If the dog has an abnormal gait that needs to be corrected, working on an underwater treadmill may actually allow the dog to continue moving in a way that will wind up doing more harm than good. It’s important to work directly with the dog during hydrotherapy to correct any gait issues and reduce the likelihood of future injury. 

There is one other downside to underwater treadmills which adds to our decision to stick with more traditional rehab options. This point has to do with the potential for repetitive overuse injuries through walking sessions of 15 - 20 minutes each. Such repetitive walking has the potential to cause tendon irritation and other issues. Without bearing their entire weight, it may be tempting to have the dog do more than they are really ready to handle at this point in their recovery. Sure, the load is lessened with the help of the treadmill, but rehab still needs to be managed carefully to prevent further harm. We find that sticking with land-based exercises makes it easier to strike the right balance between challenging the dog physically to promote growth and respecting their current limitations.

Land-Based Exercises Have Many Fitness Benefits

So, what’s so great about land-based exercises, and why do we prefer them at Austin Canine Rehab? It starts with the power of gravity. The forces being applied on your dog – and all of us – by gravity represent an opportunity to build strength in the body. 

Yes, using an underwater treadmill will remove a portion of the force that is exerted by gravity, and will take some of the burden off of your pet during rehabilitation. But that “burden” is present in every day life.

Another way to think of it, is like going to a gym to lift weights but not actually putting any weights on the bar to do your exercises. Sure, you’ll still be going through the motions, but your gains probably won’t be what they could have been with some additional resistance. 

The Importance of Manual Therapy Services

Manual therapy also plays a big role in what we do for dogs here at Austin Canine Rehab. If you think first about massage when you hear the term “manual therapy”, you are certainly on the right track – but that’s not all that’s included. Depending on the needs of the dog, we are likely to invest more time and effort in techniques such as compressions, targeted stretching, and low-grade joint mobilizations. Everything we do is customized for each patient, and the approach we take with manual therapy for your pet will depend entirely on his or her condition and what issues need to be addressed. 

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Ready to Build Strength in Your Dog? Reach Out to Austin Canine Rehab Today

In the end, whatever techniques and methods are used, the goal should always be the same – the best possible care for your dog to promote long-lasting strength, stability, and overall wellness. Want to learn more about what Austin Canine Rehab has to offer? Take a moment today to get in touch and we’ll be happy to go over our services with you and answer any questions you may have. Thank you for taking the time to visit and we hope to chat soon!